Friday, February 15, 2008

Wildlife of the Ocean

Most of us view oceans from the security of the shore. Digging our toes in the sand, we look out over the tumbling waves and imagine. Like the roof on a house, the surface of the water hides what's inside.
If you can only see some of vast numbers of animals that live in the oceans actually, one huge interlocking sea that covers more than 70% of the earth's surface. Ocean animals range from microscopic zooplankton, silent drifters of the sea, to whales, mobile giants that use sound to communicate over the great distances. There are spineless sponges lacking organs, muscles, and nerves as well as bony fish lined with sensory receptors. Clams, oysters, and snails, like coral, secrete their own building material to house their solf, fleshy bodies, yet other creatures- shrimps, lobsters and crabs-shed and replace their external skeletons as they grow.
How animals survive, feed, and breed and relate to other members of the underwater community are some of the fascinating thing that you and I ever learn about.
The oceans are not the empty silent places they were once thought to be. Nor are they the dreaded domain of the old myths but rather a beautiful and awesome enviroment that we hope that will be around for years and years to come. By Lionfish300

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